Dr. Nezha Jaafari
Aesthetic dentistry


Dr. Nezha Jaafari assesses, diagnoses, treats and manages all conditions affecting the smile and surrounding the teeth (discoloration, broken teeth, gum problems, smile imperfections…). The Dr. is renowned among patients for her involvement before, during and after treatments to ensure a lasting and comfortable result.

Its effectiveness comes from truly listening to patients’ concerns and taking all the time necessary to address issues before transforming their smiles. Its objective is to help people improve their self-confidence by bringing them remarkable smiles thanks to dental veneers, composite care, crowns, dental prostheses…

Experience & Training

  • Doctor of Dentistry from the Faculty of Dentistry of Casablanca
  • Elite Smile Academy Certification supervised by Dr. Imad Ghandour
  • Lumineer facets certification
  • Invisible orthodontic certification
  • Ivoclar composite lamination certification
  • Rhein certification fixation of the prosthesis to the implant